Orchestra Grade Policy
These are components to determining student grades in orchestra: Rehearsal Etiquette, Written Assignments or Tests, Playing Tests, Performances, and Grade Statements (grades 9-12 only). The weight of each component may vary depending on the activities involved in the grading period.
Written Assignments
Students will typically be given at least one written tests, quiz or assignment each quarter (more in grades 10-12). These are usually completed in Schoology for grades 8-12. All work is graded by total points.
Playing Tests
There will performance assessments in orchestra. They maybe in person or submitted in audio/video format. There may also be formal Auditions. They are graded with a rubric and based on a total number of points. Students will be typically be notified what's going to heard on a playing test at least two weeks in advance. Some playing tests are more informal. Auditions are typically worth at least 100 points. There will be no more than one audition/year. Playing tests are typically worth 10-30 points. Some may be submitted in video format, others may be in person. There may be 1-3 playing tests per quarter.
There are three types of orchestra performance: concerts, orchestra contests or festivals, and solo/ensemble contest. Students are expected to attend and participate in all performances as per the Concert and Event Attendance Policy.
Individual Practice
There is an expectation that students will practice outside of class time. The minimum expectation is 30 minutes/week or 4-5 hours/quarter. Students in grades 5-6 will document their weekly practice.
Grade Statements
Students in grades 9-12 must complete a grade statements to be eligible for an A or B. The statement will document there participation in orchestra and what they learned during the semester.
These are some suggested activities that might be useful to include in that statement:
1. Private lessons inside or outside of school.
2. A record individual practice.
3. Rehearsal/performance in an orchestra outside of school .
4. Rehearsal/performance of Jazz Strings or Jazz Junior.
5. Rehearsal/performance in a small group.
6. Audition for an honors program.
7. Attend an honors program, clinic or camp.
8. Perform in a solo role at a concert.
9. Perform as a principal at a concert.
10. Join and attend Music Listening Contest (grades 9-12).
11. Perform in an additional ensemble (or solo) for contest.
12. Perform on your instrument outside of school.
13. Assist with a younger orchestra class.
14. Teach a lesson to another student.
15. Act as a leader for a sectional or orchestra rehearsal.
16. Be a librarian for your orchestra (help sort music after a concert).
17. Be a stage hand for your orchestra (before or after concert).
18. Write or arrange a composition for your instrument.
19. Write a short original report (on a topic approved by the instructor).
20. Attend a concert and bring in a program (must be a concert you are not performing in).
21. Read a music related book (fiction or non-fiction) and write a short report or give a short oral report.
Pine Island Schools Music Department
Performance Attendance Policy
Students and parents will receive a list of scheduled performance dates at the beginning of the school year. Attendance at all events is mandatory. An unexcused absence from a performance will impact a student’s grade. Students (or their parents) must notify their director in advance of any performance conflicts. The director will determine if the absence is excused. Work will be an unexcused absence. In case of emergency, notify the director prior to the performance. The most current list of orchestra events can be found in Schoology.
Solo and Ensemble Contest
All students will be required to participate in Solo and Ensemble Contest. Symphony students will be assigned to an ensemble. Freshman will perform a solo with piano accompaniment. 7th and 8th grade students also will perform a solo (without piano accompaniment). Students are encouraged, but not required, to prepare and perform in a solo or additional ensemble for contest. The selection(s) performed must be approved by the director.
Symphony Auditions
This fall, Symphony students will audition outside of class for the instructor during September. The audition will consist of selected scales and arpeggios, a prepared piece and sight-reading.
Concert Etiquette
We are excited to put on our concerts in our state of the art Performing Arts Center. Students and their parents are encouraged to attend orchestra concerts. During concerts audience members should be respectful and display proper concert behavior. As a general rule, applause comes at the end of full works (not between movements). Recording or taking pictures is usually not allowed at professional concerts. Silence during performances is expected. The audience should remain seated, entering and exiting the hall only between works or intermissions.
Performance (Concert) Attire
Students in the Sinfonia and Symphony orchestras should where the same clothing for concerts and other public performances: black shirt or sweater, black dress slacks or skirt, black socks or nylons and black dress shoes. Students in grades 5-7 will wear the affordable Music Department t-shirt which will be offered for purchase each year. Performance attire needs to conform to the schools' dress code policy.
Music Policy
All students will be issued a folder and orchestra music at the beginning of the year. Throughout the year more music will be issued. In grades 5-9, students will get a binder and instruction book. The cost for a new binder and book is $5. Their music will not be collected after performance. In the Symphony (grades 10-12), most music (and folders) will be collected after performances. Each student will receive a part, even though they may share a stand. It is the students responsibility to keep all folders and parts in reasonably good condition. Fines maybe charged for lost or damaged folders and music.
Students will be required to have their own the instruction book. The Symphony will use Habits of a Successful String Musician. The Sinfonia (grades 8-9) will use Learn to Play! Book 3. The Maroon and Gold Orchestras (grades 6-7) will use Learn to Play! Book 2 . The Panther Orchestra 5 will use Learn to Play! All books are available at school.
Other materials will also be provided by the instructor. Orchestral, small ensemble and solo works are available at school. They will be provided as needed by the instructor. Students are also encouraged to purchase etude and solo materials for themselves through a music retailer.
The school provides violoncellos and double basses, but not violins and violas. All users of school instrument are charged a user fee of $100. The fee must be paid before the end of September. For this fee, each student will be entitled to have an instrument at home and another one at school (as availability permits). The instrument used at school will probably be shared with others. If two siblings play the same instrument, the older student’s fee will be lowered to $50. All students will be given a designated storage spot in the music area. If a student’s violin or viola are unavailable there are a limited number of school instruments for student use on a short term basis. Use of other student’s instruments without permission is not acceptable. For security reasons, the music area will be locked at approximately 4:30 PM each weekday and remain locked through the weekend. Students needing instruments after school hours need to make arrangements to store their instrument somewhere else. All privately owned instruments should have a name tag on the outside and inside of the case. It is expected that instruments will go home over the weekend.
Other Equipment
Besides an instrument and bow, students should have with them at all times a cleaning cloth, pencil, rosin, shoulder rest (violin and viola), rock stop (violoncello and double bass) and music folder. Students should also own a metronome, tuner and a wire folding music stand. It is recommended that students owning their instrument have an extra set of strings in their case.
Orchestra Drop Policy
Students considering dropping orchestra should stay in orchestra. That being said, if a parent feels their child would benefit from dropping orchestra they should contact the director for a consultation and evaluation of the situation. According to Middle School policy, students in grades 5-8, are not allowed to drop orchestra, band or choir during the school year. This provides the continuity needed to maintain our ensembles and insure that an informed decision is made about the student dropping orchestra. Students do benefit from remaining in orchestra. This fact is born out by both experience and scientific research. If a student wishes to return to orchestra, the parents should again consult with the director.