Parent Info



1.  Support your student-athlete's efforts to success.

2.  Work to promote a positive environment that is conducive to the development of your student-athlete.

3.  Treat all coaching personnel with courtesy and respect.

4.  Assure that your student-athlete will attend all scheduled practices and athletic contests.

5. Promote and model mature and sportsmanlike behavior at all athletic contests.


1.  Promote the health and safety of student athletes at all times.

2.  Be a model for appropriate language, sportsmanship, and behavior at all times.

3.  Establish time demands that acknowledge the primary importance of each student-athlete's academic and family responsibilities.

4. Promote among athletes and coaches a solid sense of team membership.

5.  Assist, whenever appropriate, with post high school planning for individual student athletes as it relates to athletics.

6.  Be available to meet with parents at times that are mutually convenient and in allignment with the athletic department's parent/coach guidelines.

7.  Adhere to all Pine Island and Zumbrota/Mazeppa School District policies at all times.


Parent/Guardian should expect from the Coach:

1.  Communication of the expectations the coach has for your child and their teammates.

2.  Locations and times of all practices and games.

3. Team requirements.

4.  Discipline that may result in the denial of your child's participation.

Appropriate concerns to discuss with coaches:

1. Situations involving your child.

2.  Ways to help your child improve.

3.  Your child's attitude, work ethic, and eligibility.

4.  Concerns about your child's behavior

Issues that are NOT appropriate to discuss with coaches or the Athletic Directors:

1.  Playing time of any student-athlete

2.  Team strategy, practice organization, or play calling.

3.  Other student-athletes

Procedure to follow if there is a concern to discuss with a coach:

1.  Your child should speak to the coach about an issue, before you intervene.  This will help our Student-Athletes grow into young adults.

2.  Contact the coach to set up an appointment.  If the coach can not be reached, contact the athletic director.  They will assist you in arranging a meeting.

3.  If a meeting with the coach did not provide a satisfactory resolution, call to schedule an appointment with the athletic director to discuss the situation.  The Athletic Director will only intervene if the issue has already been discussed with the coach.

4. Please use the “24 hour rule” before communicating any concerns to increase the opportunity to think rationally and clearly communicate the issue with a  cool head.

* Please do not confront a coach immediately before or after a game or practice.  Meetings of this nature normally do not assist in creating a resolution to the situation.