Pine Island PTO

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Pine Island PTO
(Parent-Teacher Organization)


PTO stands for Parent-Teacher Organization. The Pine Island PTO is a nonprofit group comprised of parents, teachers, and staff dedicated to improving the educational experience of all students at Pine Island Schools. 

Activities PTO did in '23-24:
  • Panther Wear
  • Fall Carnival
  • Box Tops Collection
  • Spirit Rock
  • Restaurant Nights
  • Staff Appreciation
  • Student Appreciation
  • Senior Lunch
  • SCRIP Gift Cards

What PTO fundraisers have supported:

  • Teacher and Student Grants
  • Playground Equipment
  • Panther Statues 
  • Movie Licensing
  • Classroom Support 
  • Teacher/Student Appreciation Events
  • Technology Grant
  • Bus WiFi 
  • Student Speakers
  • Field Trips
  • Outdoor/indoor recess games 
  • iPads
Ongoing PTO Fundraisers

Here is an easy (and free) way you can help our district!


Image result for box tops digital
             Box Tops are now DIGITAL!

App on your mobile device
--Register and then select our school--
Pine Island
--Start scanning and earning easy $$$$ for
our school! 

??When you grocery shop, check for clip-able or scan-able box tops!

Don't have the time?? Put your receipt or clipped box tops in the bucket right inside the first set of doors at
Island Market. We will do the work for you!

Interested in joining or volunteering?? Email us!  [email protected]

We welcome comments and suggestions for events or ideas for things you feel the students or teachers could really use. 
[email protected]

Find us!

Facebook: Pine Island PTO
Twitter: @pineislandpto
Instagram: pineislandpto 

2024-2025 Monthly Meetings

Public Monthly Meetings
All are welcome!

All meetings are held on Wednesday, in the 5-12 Flex Room at 7p.

September 4th
October 2nd
November 6th
December 4th
February 5th
March 5th
April 2nd
May 7th

PLEASE join us, volunteers are what make PTO possible!

Rent the Spirit Rock for a week!
100% of proceeds are used for Pine Island schools.

There are two rocks available to rent - one at the K-4, one at the 5-12.
What is a Spirit Rock?
Parents, Students & Staff have the opportunity to "Rent the Rock" to recognize a student’s birthday, show school spirit, thank or recognize a teacher or staff member, congratulatory events, etc. It is a great way to spread positive messages and increase excitement in our community!
How can I rent the rock?
It’s simple, just go to the “Book Now” tab at the top of our Facebook Home page (Pine Island Spirit Rock) and reserve the actual date you want. You may begin painting at 12pm on Sunday of your reservation.